A friend of mine recently got a promotion at work. The promotion involved a new job title, new and greater responsibilities, but there was no accompanying pay rise.

Another friend of mine was offered a job but she had to agree to several weeks as an unpaid intern first.

A story on the Huffington Post today reports that Amazon pays some of their contractor delivery drivers a mere $1.50 for each address he delivers to, and although the driver has to pay all other related expenses, including purchasing the van, the gas, insurance, uniforms, Amazon is looking to slash their pay.

There are stories like these everyday on the news. On the face of it the worker seems to be severely disadvantaged with few options. But there are always options, there are always job opportunities where the employer provides her employees fair and just remuneration and working conditions.

Dr Phil famously said, we teach people how to treat us. If we stay in a job where we are not only taken advantage of, but even exploited, we tell everyone involved we are ok with that. We just need to have the courage, that true self-love provides, not to listen to others, but to follow only the guidance of our own inner voice.

The right work always exists because work is a soul pursuit. Soul pursuits are the circumstances in which we learn about our true selves. The workplace is one forum where we learn the lessons of soul. It is at work where we are provided opportunities for cooperation, collaboration, and service, often with problematic personalities and circumstances (which do not include exploitation, abuse or systemic or institutionalized unfairness and injustice). Our work environments provide the perfect opportunities for us to learn about love, one the main reasons we are here.

There are many forces that operate to keep us afraid, pliable, and controllable, but the more we understand the true spiritual nature of work, the more easily we will find the courage to stay true to ourselves. Then we will always be able to find the work that is perfect for us because the Universe has a stake in it. True soul work, work environments where people are cherished and cared for, blesses not only us but also our bosses, our work colleagues, and the individuals who consume the product we are involved in creating.

Basically, the whole world is ultimately blessed by us living according to the dictates of our own truth.

Eileen McBride
Eileen McBride is the author of Love Equals Power 2, a spiritual seeker and teacher. This article was published on April 25, 2014.