A friend recently emailed me asking how he could increase his intuition. He said that he felt he was quite intuitive, that recent events had confirmed for him that his intuition was both active and accurate, and he was wondering how he could develop this faculty further.

In fact, everyone has totally 100 percent effective intuition. It is the voice of our true self that we all come into this life with. It is our indestructible link with the Divine Eternal, which can never be diminished or drowned out ,and which ensures that we are always safe, and never alone. It is the means of communication with the immutable wisdom of the Divine, enabling us to know whatever we need to know to be safe and at peace.

Intuition needs no enhancement, developing or expanding. It is always the perfect tool that enables us to live according to our own truth, regardless of the external circumstances. It provides a constant stream of inspiration that we need to make optimal choices and decisions for peace and contentment.

Absolutely nothing can interfere with the flow of ideas our intuition provides, but we can choose not to listen to it. In fact, the real problem lies in learning to listen more closely and more consistently to what our intuition tells us.

So our first task is to learn to distinguish the voice for our intuition from that of our ego, which is the voice of fear. And because our intuition competes at all times with our ego, it is sometimes difficult to know if it is our intuition we are hearing, and this uncertainty leads us to overlook or to ignore our intuition. I often say it would be so much easier if our ego spoke, say, French. That way we would immediately recognise it as the ego, and save ourselves both time and pain.

An experience with my own intuition occurred seven years ago. I have written about the incident in my about-to-be published book, but I think it is worth relating here.

About seven years ago I was driving home and I was sitting at an intersection waiting for the red light to turn green. Remembering that here in Australia we drive on the left, there was a large transit van in the lane next to me on my right, which was going to turn right (across oncoming traffic). I was in the left lane intending to drive straight through the intersection.

While I was waiting I got a very strong feeling that I should not enter the intersection until I had a clear view of the traffic on my right, which was blocked by the van. This ran against my customary driving habits. I always like to take off quickly but I knew from experience that this ‘voice’ should be heeded.

So once the light changed I just sat still. I stayed there for at least three seconds. Then all of a sudden a car from the right ran the red light and sped across the intersection in front of me. I could not see him coming because of the van, and if I had pulled out when my light turned green he would have driven right into me.

Our intuition is always fast, accurate and will always only ever lead us to peace and safety. We ignore it at our peril.

Part of truly loving ourselves is listening to, and following, our intuition because our it is in fact the voice of our truth. It is the way we come to know who we truly are, and to create the life that we desire. By following our intuition we will never be led astray. It is the path to our true selves, the means for uniting the dual (that is, the physical and spiritual) aspects of ourselves. It is the (only) path to power and bliss.

Eileen McBride
Eileen McBride is the author of Love Equals Power 2, a spiritual seeker and teacher. This article was published on March 2, 2010.