Mystics tell us the secret to life is choice. To understand this, though, we must have a level of understanding of the dual nature of life. This duality exists so that we have things to choose between but it creates a paradox because what seems real and substantial is a result of projection. What seems real is illusory, and what seems unreal is truth. Reality exists at the source, not the effect, of life, at the non-physical level where all life originates.

Quantum physics confirms this, proving as it does that there is no matter, only energy. This changes everything, which is why conventional science and scientists have trouble accepting the full ramifications of this. If there is no matter, then what exactly is this world? What are we, and why are we in this illusion called human life? We have to make some progress in answering these questions to start to get to the truth of life.

What we customarily think is real and true - the things we can perceive with our five senses - are merely energy slowed to a frequency where it manifests in solid objects. They are effect, not cause. This has huge implications for how we should approach solving our problems. If our human life and experience is effect, then what is cause?

Whether we realize it or not, our life and experience is the result of how well we manage energy. Managing energy is what we do all the time, we just don’t usually realize it. The conscious control of energy is the key to enlightenment.

Energy, because it is not physical, must be controlled and managed at the non-physical level, at the level of thought. The master of life is able to control her experience and the conditions of her life because she knows that she actually creates both with the thoughts she chooses. She knows that her thoughts are the “things” of energy. Thus if she chooses thoughts of hatred, fear and revenge, she immerses herself in the energy of hatred, fear and revenge and this becomes her experience. In contrast, if she chooses only thoughts of love, she can find the power she needs to heal and create a life of love, health, and peace.

The master knows that, because of the spiritual Law of Cause and Effect, cause does not reside at the level of the physical. She understands that what she creates with her thoughts, the energy she generates with her choice of thoughts, is the true cause of her experience - not what others do or say. If the effects of her thoughts come through the words or actions of others she understands that they have merely taken an indirect route.

Because thought gives rise to words and actions, it is at the level of thought where the real work is done, and it is the most difficult level at which to achieve mastery. Mastering the ability to control our thoughts, always choosing only thoughts we wish to have manifested in our lives and experience, is the work of a spiritual genius.

Eileen McBride
Eileen McBride is the author of Love Equals Power 2, a spiritual seeker and teacher. This article was published on May 14, 2015.