A friend of mine recently had a career opportunity closed down. Not only was this a severe disappointment for her, but the way it was done was extremely hurtful, and personal. Everything about this seemed unjust and undeserved. But it was the very injustice that made me think that the Universe has plans for my friend - and they are much bigger and more exciting than the situation she is currently in.

And that is how the Universe works. If we don’t make the move or the changes ourselves - fear and complacency are strong forces for inertia - then the Universe will make them for us.When this happens it seems to be a negative experience. But that is only because we are attached to the status quo. We fear change, it is out of our comfort zone, so our default emotions when change happens against our will are negative. We assume that it is all ‘bad.

As I have said before, life is a trick question. In this case the trick is to find, and manifest, changelessness (the innate quality of all things Divine, from which we have our origin and source) in a realm where everything seems to change constantly.

Have you ever played Bejewelled? It is a computer/phone game where you have to shift coloured shapes to get three or four of the same shape in a row to obtain a score, and ultimately the aim is to get as high a score as possible whilst also playing against the clock. So it’s a game of time and space (getting the metaphor yet??).

If you focus on individual shapes you never get anywhere. It is just too slow and inefficient and eventually you run out of time. The aim is to broaden your focus and look at the patterns.

As in ‘art,’ so in life. If we become obsessed with the details of our lives all we will seem to experience is suffering and disappointment. It will seem almost impossible to get a significant score on the board.

When we broaden our focus in life we can see the whole world operates on patterns and cycles of ebb and flow, death and renewal, equal and opposite forces pushing against each other. Loss and gain, giving and receiving, what goes up must come down.

The trouble is, our materialistic view of the world leads us to grasp hold of the aspects of life that seem to bring us ‘more’ of the ‘good’ things of life and avoid at all costs the experiences that seem to lead to ‘less.’

We like stability, constancy, predictability. What we don’t always realise is that these are all possible, we just have to shift our focus outward to be able to see that this is exactly how our world turns. It is stable, constant and predictable but not in the details, only in the larger patterns of life.

The patterns never change. We all know this, but most of us are too afraid to trust them. We fear that when we lose our job, spouse, money, house or reputation, we assume the loss is irrevocable. It is a rare person who sees loss as a wonderful opportunity, a sign from the Universe that a greater blessing is on its way.

We always worry that the change that explodes into our life is a force for bad, rather than good. Yet, even in a random world, a world where there are no patterns and cycles, the odds would have it that any abitrary and haphazard change sould lead to good at least as often as to bad.

Although we seem to have some control over our life, that control only exists at a superficial level. We all exist, in fact have our very origin and source, in the force field of a far greater power that controls all phenomena of life. The sooner we can relax our deathlike grip on the small picture - the details of our lives - the more we will be able to allow the big picture, the patterns of the Universe, to operate as they are intended, bringing renewal, regeneration and replenishment.

Now, only a week after the events that shattered my friend’s life, and peace, she is already excited by the possible options that have opened up and is actively pursuing a new and potentially ‘bigger’ path in her career. I will keep you posted on the developments as they occur.

The trick is to detach from outcome. Trust that the patterns of life are sure and immovable. When things seem difficult, know that you are only in an ‘ebb’ phase. Just wait patiently, listen and pay attention to your inner voice. Life will ‘turn’ and the very events you deemed catastrophic will indeed reveal themselves to be a blessing in disguise. It’s just a matter of time, and space!

Eileen McBride
Eileen McBride is the author of Love Equals Power 2, a spiritual seeker and teacher. This article was published on April 6, 2010.